Trump, Bitcoin, and the Perfect Storm for Crypto
By RabbitX | |
There's a secret bonus reason to decentralize that has yet to rear its ugly head.
Decentralization, Liability, L2’s, and Property Rights
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
There's a secret bonus reason to decentralize that has yet to rear its ugly head.
The Great Rebundling: Human Communication’s Natural State & Crypto
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
All technology seems to do is unbundle and rebundle things. Over short timelines and long ones.
Prime brokers & Perpetuals Aggregators
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
It seems like an odd pairing, but perps aggregators may be the prime brokers of crypto. Comparing and contrasting this TradFi concept and applying it to DeFi.
Crypto Market Wizards, Episode 4: Arthur, DeFiance Capital
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Crypto Market Wizards is RabbitX’s series of interviews with sophisticated DeFi traders and investors. Our fourth interview is with Arthur.
The Disintermediation of Financial Supply Chains
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Think of bankers as javascript running really, really slowly and expensively. Glacially completing smart contract tasks. DeFi is a superior economic model.
Natural Law, Citibank, Elephants, and Ethereum: There Must Be Other L1s
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Ethereum is the most important infrastructure in the world: both for what it is and what it can be. And it will never be enough. There must be other layer 1s.
The RabbitX Decentralization Ranking System: RDRS
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Decentralization is a journey and a spectrum. RDRS defines that spectrum for DeFi’s collective clarity, direction, and objectives.
Shanghai & Ethereum: Analyzing stETH’s Discount to ETH
By BackTheBunny | | 7 Comments |
stETH has had a persistent discount to ETH, yet it's backed 1:1 and pays a dividend. Inefficient market or justified? This is a framework for thinking about it.
Crypto Lending: DeFi Needs A Yield Curve
By BackTheBunny | |
DeFi's volatile rates and lack of yield curve creates friction for financial adoption. Because borrowing requires a stable cost of money.
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